Saturday, July 26, 2008

Obama Takes Europe By Storm

After his trip to Afghanistan Barack Obama continued his travels to Europe ,visiting Germany along the way.

Choosing the symbolic city of Berlin as the location of his address to the German public, Obama was greeted by a crowd of Berlin residents waving American flags and signs that read "Obama For President".

The address he gave to the crowd of excited Germans was one that preached a need for the U.S. to strengthen its ties with Europe and the rest of the world. However, Obama was careful to mention that he believed that European allies must too do their part to fight the ailments that plague the world today.

the world views Obama as the best candidate to improve the image of America to the rest of the world; however, he lacks credibility in his ability to handle matters in international relations. His overseas trip was carefully planned to help improve his image in this arena.

Obama is a very smart man and a powerful speaker. I somewhat get the impression that America, along with the rest of world, expect him to win the election. My belief is that this is true whether you an Obama supporter or opponent.

If Obama is elected we could possibly have the most popular U.S. president since JFK or Clinton.

Please take the time out the listen to the speech here:

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