Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Corporate Types—Let’s Get Out Those Bikes!

Is it just me or does it seem like more and more “suits” on bikes appear to be hogging up the New York City streets lately? I’ve noticed on my morning commute to work that there has been a slight increase of white collar workers commuting to work via bicycle. Could this be a result of rising gas prices or a desperate attempt to fit some cardio into a schedule that is so hectic that it is difficult to allocate time for sleep?

I guess if you work in midtown, say on 48th and Park and you happen to live 72nd and York, a bicycle commute in the summer may not be that bad of an idea. Actually, you could save a lot of time and avoid crowded trains, sweaty buses or annoyance that comes with trying to catch a cab. Even if you live in Harlem you could easily get to midtown by simply cutting through Central Park by entering at the Central Park North entrance.

Hey, the Chinese seem to be making out okay with their bicycle culture. Could you imagine Manhattan being swarmed by an influx of bicycle riding commuters? Now, that would be a site to see. But if gas prices continue to climb and MTA continues to raise prices we could be soon headed in this direction.


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